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Personnel Committee Minutes September 13, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
September 13, 2006                                                              Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara

The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:45 a.m.    

The Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the following PAD’s for new hires at the Library:

Daniel Stefanis, Library Assistant (shelver)
Nicole Balin, Library Assistant (shelver)

Town Administrator Jodi Ross met with the Committee to discuss the EMT – Reserve position being created.

Ambulance Squad member Margy Diaz presented the job description to the Personnel Committee on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 and they were favorable to the position based on the information provided and suggested it be rated as a Grade 6, Step 1.
Ms. Ross stated that although she is not opposed to the proposed position she and the Board of Selectmen were not aware of the position as it was presented.  She also stated that she is concerned with the grade of this position being the same has the full time EMT/FF recently hired and suggested a further evaluation to reconsider the grade.   Ms. Ross stated that payroll had been submitted for individuals that filled the EMT Reserve position for 4 days of coverage.  Ms. Ross had this payroll pulled from the warrant until the details could be worked out.  The Committee was surprised to learn that the squad did not have enough money budgeted to cover projected overtime needs for the balance of the year, in spite of the assurance given on September 6 and that the Town Administrator and Ambulance Director had not yet discussed the proposed position and how frequently it would be used. Time was spent discussing the structure of the department, various positions within the department and the responsibilities and requirements of the position.  Considerable time was spent discussing the hourly rate and the ability to fill the on-call positions as they occurred.  The Personnel Committee agreed to do a further evaluation of the position and will meet on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 to finalize.  

Ms. Ross agreed to contact Ms. Diaz, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Stephenson and informed them of the status of this position.

Meeting adjourned.